Monday, September 6, 2010


I'm lack of sleep these lately. I need to sleep. Erghh :/ I just slept for 3 hours only today. Ohh, yeahh. I'm helping my grandma with her cookies, it's called "Kuih Songket" One of my favourite actually. And after we finished our cookies, me and my cousin make cupcakes. It was our first time baking cake by ourselves actually. We took some pictures of our cupcakes which is i don't have any of it -.- It's kinda good that what they said to us, but the icing is too sweet.

Enrique Iglesias. I'm so in love with him ♥ :D And i love his songs too. So now he's in my favourite list :D

It's about Raya's stuff. I mean things that i want. I still didn't get what i want :/ I need to buy lot of thing actually. But it will get over the budget. Gahh, screw me daddy.

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